Innovative recycling ideas in Hervey Bay and Maryborough
Have you stumbled upon a genius way to give a used or old product a new lease on life? Share it with us! We love hearing about Hervey Bay and Maryborough’s latest recycling ideas and innovations. Our Market Sales Centres are an unbelievable trove of knickknacks and quality goods. From antiques to barely used, the variety is mind blowing. With 3 sale days per week in Hervey Bay and Maryborough, you’re never waiting long for the next bargain hunt. Share with us the finished result of your recycling projects and give others a spark of inspiration and creativity.


Contact Phone : 07 4194 2277 Email [email protected]

Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8AM - 4PM
Maryborough Recycling Market - Saltwater Creek Road and Ariadne St, Maryborough
Wednesday, Friday & Sunday: 8AM-4PM.
Hervey Bay Recycling Market - Chapel Road and Aarlborg road Nth Nikenbah
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday8AM-4PM

Phone : 07 4194 2277
Email : [email protected]
Opening hours
Office Hours Monday – Friday: 8AM – 4PM
Maryborough Recycling Market – Saltwater creek road and Ariadne St, Maryborough
Wednesday, Friday & Sunday: 8AM – 4PM.
Hervey Bay Recycling Market – Chapel Road and Aarlborg road Nth Nikenbah
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday:8:AM-4:PM